Is Foothill Adventist Elementary School accredited?
Foothill Adventist School is accredited by the Council for Private School Accreditation. We also have a Certificate of Evaluation from the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In addition, the church office of education also operates a comprehensive accrediting process to maintain a high standard of excellence in all Adventist schools. If you're interested in a particular Adventist school, feel free to contact that school and ask to be put in touch with students and parents who attend that school to get a sense of what the education is like. We think you'll find, as an ongoing study is finding, that on average Adventist schools are better places to learn than any other.
Where is the school located?
The school is at 1991 Landess Avenue, Milpitas, CA 95035. Click here for driving directions.
How do I enroll my child?
Please read the Application & Registration page.
Do I have to be a member of the church for my child to attend?
Not at all! We encourage all faiths and beliefs to take advantage of our quality educational program.
What are the uniform requirements for school? What happens if my child does not have a uniform?
School uniforms are a requirement at Foothill Adventist. See the Uniforms page for further details.
What supplies does my child need for class?
Click here to see each classroom supply requirements.
What are school hours?
Classes begin at 8:00am. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:30am. School dismisses at 3:15 P.M. on Monday - Thursday, and at 12:00 P.M. on Friday.
What happens if I cannot pick up my child on time?
Your child will be placed in After School care on a emergency basis. A $10 fee will be assessed for this service.
Who do I call if my child is sick?
Please call the Office Administrator at 408-263-2568 to notify them of your child's absence and the reason.
How much is tuition and other fees?
Please review our Tuition & Fees page for details.
Can payments be made online?
Absolutely! Go to our Pay Online page to pay tuition and other fees. Donations can be made there too.
Can I pay tuition and fees online by credit or debit cards?
Yes, tuition and fees may be paid online using a credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Tuition and fees may also be paid in the office using a check or cash.
Why is Foothill so affordable?
The cost to attend Foothill may seem high but the value in terms of safety, nurture, academics and other facets which make your child successful is immeasurable. Foothill is a private school operating as a non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation. It therefore strives to make the tuition and fees affordable. Some factors to be mindful of:
- Private schools are not subsidized as are local public schools. However, the Central California Conference and Milpitas SDA Church supplement the education of Foothill students to alleviate some of the cost.
- We offer Foothill students more options than many other schools, including integrated technology, an expanded library and healthy, vegetarian meals.
- The cost for current textbooks, up-to-date technology, and physical plant upkeep has escalated at a higher rate than inflation.
- Rising insurance costs, to cover liability on the playground and on field trips, for example, take a sizable chunk of school budgets.
- We believe that your child gets a better education when he or she can spend more personal time with the teacher. Foothill boasts a low teacher-student ratio (maximum 24) because we place personal attention as a priority.
Does the school have a lunch program and how much does it cost?
The school offers a nutritious lunch with a varied menu for $8/meal. Meal tickets may be purchased from the office in either a 10-pack or 20-pack. You will be notified when your child has only 3 tickets left. Click here to learn more about the lunch program.
Is there an after school program and how much does it cost?
Yes. After School care is available. Please view our Tuition & Fees page for rates. After School hours are 3:30pm - 6:00pm from Monday - Thursday and 12:00pm - 6pm on Friday. Note: There will be an additional fee if your child is pick up after 6:00pm. A $15 fee will incur if picked up between 6:01pm - 6:15pm. After 6:15pm, an additional $1 per minute fee will incur.
Who are Adventists?
Click here to learn more about Adventists.
What does the name "Seventh-day Adventist" refer to?